Film_HDR Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for Film_HDR:
Film Asset Clonable Component SIMDAlignedType

Public Member Functions

 LM_IMPL_F (Load)
 LM_IMPL_F (Clone)
 LM_IMPL_F (Width)
 LM_IMPL_F (Height)
 LM_IMPL_F (Splat)
 LM_IMPL_F (SetPixel)
 LM_IMPL_F (Save)
 LM_IMPL_F (Accumulate)
 LM_IMPL_F (Rescale)
 LM_IMPL_F (Clear)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Film
 LM_INTERFACE_CLASS (Film, Asset, 8)
 LM_INTERFACE_F (0, Width, int())
 Width of the film. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (1, Height, int())
 Height of the film. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (2, Splat, void(const Vec2 &rasterPos, const SPD &v))
 Accumulate the contribution to the raster position. This function accumulates (splats) the contribution v to the raster position rasterPos. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (3, SetPixel, void(int x, int y, const SPD &v))
 Set the value of the pixel. This function set the pixel value specified by v to the screen coordinates (x,y). More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (4, Save, bool(const std::string &))
 Save as image. Saves the film as image. If path is empty, the default path is used. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (5, Accumulate, void(const Film *film))
 Accumulate the contribution to the entire film. This function accumulates the contribution of the other film. The other film must be same size and type. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (6, Rescale, void(Float w))
 Rescale the pixel values by the constant weight. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (7, Clear, void())
 Clear the film. Fills in the pixel values to zero.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Asset
 LM_INTERFACE_CLASS (Asset, Clonable, 2)
 LM_INTERFACE_F (0, Load, bool(const PropertyNode *prop, Assets *assets, const Primitive *primitive))
 Load an asset from a property node. More...
 LM_INTERFACE_F (1, PostLoad, bool(const Scene *scene))
 Post processing of the asset. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Clonable
 LM_INTERFACE_CLASS (Clonable, Component, 1)
 LM_INTERFACE_F (0, Clone, void(Clonable *o))
 Clone the instalce. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SIMDAlignedType
void * operator new (std::size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc)
void operator delete (void *p)