Light_Directional Member List
This is the complete list of members for Light_Directional, including all inherited members.
Asset()=default (defined in Asset) | Asset | |
center_ (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
Clonable()=default (defined in Clonable) | Clonable | |
direction_ (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
Emitter()=default (defined in Emitter) | Emitter | |
GeneralizedBSDF()=default (defined in GeneralizedBSDF) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
invArea_ (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
Le_ (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
Light()=default (defined in Light) | Light | |
LM_DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(Light) (defined in Light) | Light | |
LM_DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(Emitter) (defined in Emitter) | Emitter | |
LM_DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(GeneralizedBSDF) (defined in GeneralizedBSDF) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
LM_DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(Asset) (defined in Asset) | Asset | |
LM_DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(Clonable) (defined in Clonable) | Clonable | |
LM_IMPL_CLASS(Light_Directional, Light) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(Load) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(PostLoad) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(Type) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(SampleDirection) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(EvaluateDirectionPDF) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(EvaluateDirection) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(SamplePosition) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(EvaluatePositionPDF) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_IMPL_F(EvaluatePosition) (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional | |
LM_INTERFACE_CLASS(Light, Emitter, 0) (defined in Light) | Light | |
LM_INTERFACE_CLASS(Emitter, GeneralizedBSDF, 4) (defined in Emitter) | Emitter | |
LM_INTERFACE_CLASS(GeneralizedBSDF, Asset, 4) (defined in GeneralizedBSDF) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
LM_INTERFACE_CLASS(Asset, Clonable, 2) (defined in Asset) | Asset | |
LM_INTERFACE_CLASS(Clonable, Component, 1) (defined in Clonable) | Clonable | |
LM_INTERFACE_F(0, SamplePosition, void(const Vec2 &u, SurfaceGeometry &geom)) | Emitter | |
LM_INTERFACE_F(1, EvaluatePositionPDF, Float(const SurfaceGeometry &geom, bool evalDelta)) | Emitter | |
LM_INTERFACE_F(2, EvaluatePosition, SPD(const SurfaceGeometry &geom, bool evalDelta)) | Emitter | |
LM_INTERFACE_F(3, RasterPosition, bool(const Vec3 &wo, const SurfaceGeometry &geom, Vec2 &rasterPos)) | Emitter | |
GeneralizedBSDF::LM_INTERFACE_F(0, Type, int()) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
GeneralizedBSDF::LM_INTERFACE_F(1, SampleDirection, void(const Vec2 &u, Float uComp, int queryType, const SurfaceGeometry &geom, const Vec3 &wi, Vec3 &wo)) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
GeneralizedBSDF::LM_INTERFACE_F(2, EvaluateDirectionPDF, Float(const SurfaceGeometry &geom, int queryType, const Vec3 &wi, const Vec3 &wo, bool evalDelta)) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
GeneralizedBSDF::LM_INTERFACE_F(3, EvaluateDirection, SPD(const SurfaceGeometry &geom, int types, const Vec3 &wi, const Vec3 &wo, TransportDirection transDir, bool evalDelta)) | GeneralizedBSDF | |
Asset::LM_INTERFACE_F(0, Load, bool(const PropertyNode *prop, Assets *assets, const Primitive *primitive)) | Asset | |
Asset::LM_INTERFACE_F(1, PostLoad, bool(const Scene *scene)) | Asset | |
Clonable::LM_INTERFACE_F(0, Clone, void(Clonable *o)) | Clonable | |
operator delete(void *p) (defined in SIMDAlignedType) | SIMDAlignedType | inline |
operator new(std::size_t size) (defined in SIMDAlignedType) | SIMDAlignedType | inline |
radius_ (defined in Light_Directional) | Light_Directional |